
Since 2016, the Research Chair in Philosophy at the Hospital has created a socio-therapeutic initiative, bringing together the scientific humanities and the medical and health care fields, under the name “French Care”. This ecosystem is structured around three major areas of focus: the first and the second involve the traditional domain of a university Chair: namely teaching and research, or training and certification. Today, the Research Chair in Philosophy at the Hospital and the Patients’ University (founded by Professor Catherine Tourette-Turgis, from the Sorbonne University) have established a network of supporting programmes, framework agreements with a number of institutional and academic partners (see the map of stakeholders) with the goal of offering an educational programme that connects the humanities with medicine, for patients, doctors, caregivers, and any citizen or association wishing to learn more about it. The Patients’ University is also the only international certification for patient-experts available today. The Research Chair also has a doctoral section affiliated with the Abbé Grégoire Graduate School (Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers), but which may, with co-supervision, welcome doctoral students from partner graduate schools.

The third area of focus is experimentation. The humanities and social sciences must no longer be limited to theoretical perspectives alone. Today, it is important to develop prototypes, proofs of concept (even proofs of care ©) in order to test the ideas that stem from the Chair’s research and teaching work, and to apply them on a larger scale. This branch of the Chair is more specifically headed by Les Sismo, a design agency that has more than 20 years of experience in the design of POCs, institutional design and, more traditionally, industrial design.

The Research Chair in Philosophy at the Hospital works under a “creative commons” agreement, with the aim of being able to support any other hospital, university, EHPAD or care-related institution interested in setting up a similar Chair combining the humanities and medicine in the future.

Year 1 was marked by the creation of the Research Chair in Philosophy at the Hôtel-Dieu de Paris.

Year 2 involved the establishment of the Research Chair in Philosophy at GHT-Paris, “Psychiatry and Neurosciences” (Sainte-Anne, Maison Blanche, Perray-Vaucluse, etc.).

Year 3 was marked by the launch of the “Artificial Intelligence, Medicine, and Robotics” seminar at the University of Paris-Descartes and the creation of the “Humanities and Medicine” Academic Chair at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers.

In 2019, new branches of the Research Chair, which may eventually become independent if they so wish, will be inaugurated at the Clermont-Ferrand hospital, in partnership with the University of Clermont-Auvergne (UCA), at the Saint-Antoine Hospital (AP-HP), and at the Mali Hospital in Bamako, with the Bamako Faculty of Medicine and the NGO Santé-Diabète. Activity report 2016-2018

Cynthia Fleury
National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts
Holder of the Chair “Humanities and Medicine”
Founder of the Research Chair in Philosophy at the Hospital

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