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  • Adorno, TW. Minima Moralia. Réflexions sur la vie mutilée (Minima Moralia: Reflections from damaged life), Payot, 1980; Dialectique négative (Negative Dialctics), 1966.
  • Barrier, Philippe. Le patient autonome (The autonomous patient). PUF, 2014
  • Bateson, Gregory and Ruesch, Jurgen. Communication: The Social Matrix of Psychiatry. Paris, Seuil, 1996
  • Bisiaux, Frédérique. Le soin maternel (Maternal preoccupation), PUF, 2013
  • Canguilhem. Essai sur quelques problèmes concernant le normal et le pathologique (1943), re-published with the title Le normal et le pathologique, augmenté de Nouvelles réflexions concernant le normal et le pathologique (The Normal and th Pathological) (1966), 9th reprint. PUF/Quadrige, Paris, 2005. Writings on Medecine. Seuil, 2002
  • Deleuze, Gilles. Proust et les signes (Proust and signs). Presses Universitaires de France, Paris, 1964. – re-printed in 2010; L’anti-Oedipe – Capitalisme et schizophrénie (Anti-Oedipus) in collaboration with F. Guattari, 1972; Capitalisme et schizophrénie 2: Mille Plateaux (A Thousand Plateaus, in collaboration with Félix Guattari, 1980; Le Pli – Leibniz et le baroque (The Fold: Leibniz and the Baroque), 1988
  • Martin Dumont, L’annonce au malade (Announcing illness), PUF, 2015
  • Cynthia Fleury, Pretium doloris. L’accident comme souci de soi (Pain and suffering: Accident as self care), Pauvert 2002; Poche Pluriel 2015; La fin du courage (The End of Courage), Fayard 2010; Livre de Poche 2011; Les pathologies de la démocratie (Pathologies of democracy) Fayard 2005, Livre de Poche 2009; Les irremplaçables (The irreplaceable), Gallimard 2015. Mallarmé et la parole de l’imâm (Mallarmé and the Imam), Ecarts, 2001; Métaphysique de l’imagination (Metaphysics of imagination), Ecarts, 2000, re-printed 2014
  • Foucault, Michel. Madness and Civilization: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason. 1964: Discipline and Punish. 1975; 1972-1973: The Punitive Society. Paris, Gallimard, 2013; 1973-1974: Psychiatric Power. Paris, Gallimard, 2003; 1974-1975: Abnormal. Paris, Gallimard, 1999; 1978-1979: The Birth of Biopolitics. Paris, Gallimard, 2004; 1981-1982: The Hermeneutics of the Subject. Paris, Gallimard, 2001; 1982-1983: The Government of Self and Others I. Paris, Gallimard, 2008; 1983-1984: The Government of Self and Others II: The Courage of Truth. Paris, Seuil, 2009
  • Freud, Psychopathology of Everyday Life, 1901; “”The Uncanny””. Gallimard, 1985; Civilisation and its discontents, 1929
  • Guattari, Felix. The Machinic Unconscious: Essays in Schizoanalysis. Paris, Recherches, 1979. Psychoanalysis and transversality. Essays on Institutional Analysis, 1974 reprint La Découverte; Lines of flight: For Another World of Possibilities, 1979 (posthumous), reprint, L’Aube, 2011
  • Guérin, Anne and Cachard, Claudie. Manuel poétique et pratique à l’usage des soignants et autres curieux (A poetic and practical handbook for caregivers and other curious people), PUF, 2013
  • Gzil, Fabrice. La maladie du temps. Sur la maladie d’Alzheimer (The illness of time: On Alzheimer’s disease. PUF, 2014
  • Honneth, Axel. La Lutte pour la reconnaissance (The Struggle for Recognition), Cerf, 2000; “”Theory of Recognition”” and “”Invisibility: On the Epistemology of “Recognition’””, Revue du MAUSS n° 23, 2004; The Society of Contempt, La Découverte, 2006; The Fragmented World of the Social: Essays in Social and Political Philosophy. La Découverte, 2013
  • Laing, Ronald. The Divided Self (1960); Reason and Violence (1960), co-authored with David Cooper; The Self and Others (1961); Knots (1969); Wisdom, Madness and Folly: The Making of a Psychiatrist 1927-1957 (1985); The Politics of Experience (1986)
  • Lefève, Céline. Devenir Médecin (Becoming a Doctor). PUF, 2012
  • Marin, Claire. La maladie, catastrophe intime (Illness, an intimate catastrophe). PUF, 2014
  • Marin, Claire and Zaccai-Reyners, Nathalie. Souffrance et douleur (Suffering and pain). Autour de Paul Ricoeur (On Paul Ricoeur), PUF, 2013
  • Mino, Jean-Christophe. Soins intensifs (Intensive care). PUF, 2012
  • Oury, Jean. Il, donc (He, then). Union Générale d’Éditions, Paris, 1978; Onze heures du soir à La Borde (11 p.m. In La Borde). Paris, Galilee, 1980; Pratique de l’institutionnel et politique (Institutional practice and policy), written with Félix Guattari and François Tosquelles, ed. Matrice, Vigneux, 1985; Le collectif : le séminaire de Sainte-Anne (The collective: the seminar at Sainte-Anne). Nîmes, Champ social éditions, 1999; Les séminaires de La Borde (1996-1997) (The seminars at La Borde (1996-1997)), Nîmes, Les éditions du Champ social, 1998; Psychiatrie et psychothérapie institutionnelle, (Psychiatry and institutional psychotherapy), Nîmes, Les éditions du Champ social, 2001; La psychose, la mort, l’institution (Psychosis, death, the institution), 2008; Dialogues à La Borde (Dialogues at La Borde), 2008; Préalables à toute clinique des psychoses : dialogue with Patrick Faugeras (Prerequisites to any psychosis practice: dialogue with Patrick Faugeras), Érès, 2012.
  • Tosquelles. Trait-d’union, Journal de Saint-Alban. Éditoriaux, articles, notes (1950-1962) (Hyphen: Journal from Saint-Alban. Editorials, articles, notes (1950-1962); L’enseignement de la folie (Teaching madness), Dunod, 1992; Cours aux éducateurs; Éducation & psychothérapie institutionnelle (Lessons for Educators; Education & Institutional Psychotherapy), Matrice, 2001; Le travail thérapeutique en psychiatrie (Therapeutic work in psychiatry), Eres, 2009.
  • Tosquelles, J., Oury, R., Gentis, J. Ayme, F. Guattari et al, Actes du Groupe de travail de psychothérapie et de sociothérapie institutionnelle (GTPSI) (Proceedings of the Working Group on Institutional Psychotherapy and Sociotherapy), Éditions d’une, 2014.
  • Worms, Frederic. Le moment du soin (The Moment of Care). Paris, PUF, 2010; Revivre – Éprouver nos blessures et nos ressources (Reliving – Experiencing our wounds and resources), Paris, Flammarion, 2012, coll. “”Sens propre””; La vie qui réunit et qui sépare (The life that unites and separates), Paris, Payot, 2013, coll. “”Manuals””; Soin et politique (Care and Politics), PUF, 2012 Worms, Frédéric and Lefève, Céline, Benaroyo , Lazare (Dir.). Les classiques du soin (Care classics). PUF, 2015″

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